The Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club has been bringing British Chesapeake enthusiasts together for almost 40 years. The Club holds two gundog working tests each year, as well as a championship show and an open show. Other events include training days, breed seminars, non-competitive test days, and show handling workshops. 

The club shows are usually held in the Midlands, while the working tests move around the UK. We have held tests in Hampshire, on the marshes of the Essex coastline, in South Wales and in the Angus Glens of Scotland – plus many locations in between! As members may be travelling a long way to take part in the working tests, we often make a weekend of it. It’s good to get together with other brown dogs and their owners.

Most people who have lived with a Chesapeake will usually consider having no other breed. If you are reading this, maybe you are trying to work out whether a Chesapeake is right for you. This website will hopefully help you to decide. We will give you some basic information about the breed, and list some events where you can meet Chesapeakes and talk to their owners.


Find out more about the characteristics of the breed


If you think the Chesapeake is the breed for you, how do you find one?


How to become a member of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club


Come and meet some Chesapeakes and their owners and join in the fun


If you are looking for a puppy, or would like to breed from your dog, what health testing is essential


Which shows have Chesapeake classes and who is qualified to judge

Notice of the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club

25 Feb 2024  

The AGM will be held online via Zoom at 1.00 pm

According to the club rules, half the committee retire annually. The following committee members are retiring in 2024: Cathy Broomfield, Chris Hewitson, Joy Middleton, James Newton, Mark Straw. Cathy, Chris, Joy and James are willing to stand for re-election. Mark will be standing down.

The Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and Chairman retire annually. The Treasurer and Chairman are willing to stand for re-election. Molly Barker will be standing down as Secretary.

Items for the agenda and nominations (in writing) for Committee, Secretary, Treasurer and Chairman of the Club, signed by both proposer and seconder, must be with the Secretary at least 28 days prior to the AGM. Please include a brief biographical note (around 200 words) detailing your interest and involvement with Chesapeakes.

The agenda and 2023 AGM minutes will be available by prior request from the Secretary.

Open to all club members. We hope you will attend the AGM. Joining details will be available closer to the day.

Remember the days of camcorders and VHS tapes? This recording is not great quality, but enjoy a little look back at the Chesapeakes in the show ring 23 years ago. Maybe you were there, maybe you will recognise a few faces, and maybe you will see some dogs in your own dog’s pedigree.

Annual trophies presented each year at the CBRC Annual General Meeting
  • Isis Shield for Top Working Puppy
  • Corrie Cup for Top Working Dog or Bitch
  • Dawnflight Trophy for Top Field Trial Dog or Bitch
  • Westering Plate for Top Dual Purpose Dog or Bitch
  • Chesabay Trophy for Top Dual Purpose Puppy
  • Barry Shield for Top Show Dog
  • Glaneils Cup for Top Show Bitch
  • Fudge Tankard for Top Show Puppy
  • Chase Challenge Shield for Top Obedience Dog or Bitch
  • Ted’s Challenge Trophy for Most Species Retrieved
  • John Battle Award for Most Improved Handler

Changes to the AGM Trophy Point System

Every year, trophies are awarded at the Chesapeake Bay Retriever Club AGM. This year, the trophy points system has changed slightly for: 

  • Working trophies
  • Show trophies
  • Dual purpose trophies

There has been no change to the scoring or forms for:

  • Obedience Trophy
  • Ted’s Challenge

To help make life easier you no longer have to work out your own points and send them in. All we are now asking you to do is send in your awards throughout the year, and we will work out your dog’s points for you. 

For working points, this is simply the event you attended, the date and award achieved. 

For shows, this is stripped back to wins won: Best of Breed, Best Puppy, Best Dog/Bitch, Reserve Best Dog/Bitch, Best Veteran, Groups, BIS’s etc. 

We will try to update a ‘Top 5’ throughout the year, so do please send in your results. Failure to send in your results means the points will not be allocated, and your dog’s details will not appear. 

The AGM Trophies are only awarded to paid up members of the CBRC, so if you haven’t joined the Club, please do so. 

Please click on the ‘AGM Points System’ button below for more details. If you have any questions, please drop us a message to a new email address dedicated to the points: 

Please note: for the show points, the Open Show and Champ Show points will be combined for the Top Show Dog, Top Show Bitch and Top Show Puppy trophies. 

Only points submitted to the Club will be included, so please send your points to

If you have ever wondered what a Chesapeake was bred to do – what he was designed for – spend a couple of minutes watching this film of Mark Greenhough’s wonderful Chesapeake Bay Retriever, Echo, on the Dee Estuary.  Echo has now died, but for many years he regularly competed in Chesapeake Club working tests, and represented the Chesapeakes in inter-breed working gundog events. He was a great dog with many admirers and we won’t forget him.